Community Events
Our mantra is to:
Our three most important days of the year:
Australia Day
26th January
25th April
Remembrance Day
11th November

It’s not Australia Day without a free sausage sizzle.

Dawn Service on Port Philip Bay

The iconic Cenotaph on Sorrento main beach foreshore is a major focal point for Anzac Day and Remembrance Day.
Normie Rowe, a Vietnam veteran and a regular performer at Tom Katz this year, marching on Anzac day with John Prentice, President, Sorrento Portsea RSL.
Sorrento Portsea RSL conducted a huge flood relief concert and a monster raffle to support the victims of the floods experienced in Victoria earlier in the year. Over 35,000 homes were affected by these floods and many rural properties and the families who farm them, are still struggling to overcome the devastation of this disaster.
We managed to raise over $25,000 in this raffle, thanks to the generosity of the local community and the hard work of our volunteers. A special thank you goes out to the local businesses who kindly donated prizes, and to the music acts who performed at the concert. Thank you for your abundance of generosity.
We live in a beautiful part of the world, full of talented people.
This year's inaugural 'Archie's ' Art competition has seen over 50 entries from our local schools and they are amazing.
We had our two v.i.p. judges Sandie Wright and Ivan Durrant view these entries today along with our President John Prentice.
Sandie is a wonderful member of our local community who specialises in ceramics, bronze and glass and has held many exhibitions displaying her amazing talent.
Ivan is a highly acclaimed Australian artist who has pieces hanging in the major galleries. He is a painter, performance artist and writer.
He has developed his own style of art known as 'super-realism'.
We thank Sandie and Ivan for their time, support and artistic eyes.
Congratulations to all our entrants in the inaugural 'Archies' art competition. All entrants received a certificate and a small gift.
A special shout out to the winners and runners up, Charli, Miron, Stefan, Sophie, Kate, Rosie, Hannah and Iris.
Thanks to all our sponsors Cape Merchants, Searoad Ferries, Sorrento Thai, Kay and Burton Sorrento, Mubble, O’Shannessys Tour, The Toy Workshop, Eil’s Dance Group.
Become a Member
Please support us so we can support others.
Sorrento Portsea RSL is proudly community-based, volunteer-run and not for profit.
We are grateful to our members for their continued support which allows us to continue our good work.
Your $50 membership will go a long way in 2024.
To say thank you, all financial members will receive vouchers for Jack’s Bar, Sorrento Thai, Tom Katz and free function room hire.
We’re always looking for extra arms and legs, or just for people who can lend an occasional hand when the whips are cracking.
Come down and have a chat if you’d like to pitch in. We can promise you that you can help to make a difference.
Can you help with the history of our club?
We’re looking to expand our history with as much accurate information as possible, and photographs throughout the years would be most welcome.
The white tiles look good on the photo. Please email us if you can assist.